28 September 2013

Spring is here

It was Karl Jnr's birthday a few days ago and believe it or not he has turned 8 although I'm sure he's actually 28 in a child's body. I took them to SideTracked which proved to be a really fun place with indoor go-karts for all ages, bowling, games, skirmish and putt-putt. They also received their "participation medals" (sic) for the football season. I have to say that both boys will never be the last kids picked for a team and hold their own on the field while Dad sits reading on his Kindle.

I am speed

31 August 2013

It's Spring tomorrow

Bloody hell, time flies. The boys are finished football season (loved it) and suddenly it's Spring.......... I took the boat for a service today (thanks Mom for paying) to get ready for Snapper Season and now we are just enjoying a few hours mucking about in the sun playing catch with the boys. Went for a bike ride as we live very close to a reserve with miles of tracks and the boys loved being dare-devils on their bicycles.... (dad is just waiting for them to say - Can I have a motorcycle....Mom says No!!!)


20 July 2013

Have fun till you drop

The boys are having fun as usual (cough cough Karl Jnr camping it up :-))

Skate, dance and laugh

15 June 2013

Star of the Week

Martin get his mandatory star of the week for being "positive". What ever happened to getting prizes/rewards when you actually do something meaningful or outstanding. So, now we reward people for merely existing and kids with raisin like brains believe they are super-achievers which translates into "Hi, I'm not very bright but I'd like to be the CEO at 24". I guess this is where parenting comes in but if parents are anything to go by today, we are in serious trouble.

On a lighter note, we made our first batch of olives from the tree. I (Georgie) have a feeling they are supposed to be prepared a different way as they are kalamata but I did them in a traditional method. I gave it a go and they turned out pretty well, but nobody trusts my recipe enough to eat them....maybe next year!

I'm a star

8 April 2013

Easter Came Early

Coming soon................... Nope.......This month never happened.