26 April 2008

It's golf time again

6:30am T-Off - Summer in England is truly special at Mitcham Golf Club.

Watch the arse in action

6 April 2008

April showers? Nope..... SNOW

The weather looked good on Saturday morning so we decided to go to www.bockettsfarm.co.uk and have a wonder around and feed the animals. Karlie had a great time getting his hands slobbered on by sheep and goats and he was very adventurous trying out the trampoline and tall jungle gym. The weather started turning cold and grey so we headed indoors to warm up and get some food. What a great little tearoom, they had everything even Karlie's favourite, Marmite sandwiches! We headed back home and all was quiet in the car as the boys fell asleep.....ah peace:)

Later on Saturday afternoon it started hailing and we woke up on Sunday morning to a blanket of white snow, made us think we were in Vienna again!

Snow in April