29 December 2008

Last post of 2008

Hi folks,

Christmas has gone and New Year is approaching fast..... We cooked a goose again this year but unlike the fat juicy British kind which are reared for consumption the Australian version was reared for the Olympics.
Mom (Neubauer) is living it up in Singapore while the kids make more noise than my 100W(rms) stereo. Australia have fleeced me again by charging me regional "tax" for my motorcycle after I just paid national "tax" on arrival, and I thought we were taxed in old Blighty. (Death and Taxes an all that!)

It was also my birthday and if it were not for my birthday cake (see below) I would never have known I'm on the wrong side of 30.
It's time to chill for a few days before work starts in earnest and 2009 gives us our surprises.

Christmas tradition intact

21 December 2008

Sorrento, the week before Christmas

It's that time again............ bloody Christmas, so good cheer and a ba-humbug to you all.

The one good thing is that everyone was so busy shopping, all the beaches, parking and restaurants were empty (PS nobody told the &%^%$ flies thou). The weather has finally cleared and it's been I nice crisp 30 with little more than a puff of cloud in the sky. (he says as he types in his air-conditioned lounge).

Looking forward to a few days off from the 24th to prepare for 2009 where they tell me we are going to have weeks of 40+.

Enjoying the sunshine