29 December 2011

Merry Grinchmas

It's that time of year again.....and Father Christmas was very generous in leaving us way too many LARGE toys, but at least our assembly skills are improving....next year, no tools required, please!

Mom and Dad have taken some time off over Christmas and the New Year and, if the weather holds, it's beach time, wineries and putt putt!

Grinchmas 2011

Presents in action

30 November 2011

Crazy November

Late October was the first real Halloween the boys did together. We went trick or treating and got loads of goodies.

Marti turned 4 on the 11th Nov, and the day after we jetted off to the Gold Coast for a weeks holiday. We stayed at a VERY family orientated hotel, Paradise Resort, things we do for our kids........ It has the largest resort based water park in the Southern Hemishpere. There was never a dull moment, we went to Sea World, Movie World, Tropical Fruit World and even managed to get some fishing in. See you next year Queensland:)

Very Disjointed Video (we just did too much)

3 October 2011

Tick Tock – The clocks go back

Wow! It always gets me….. It’s so light now into the evenings, perfect for a BBQ. Today was crazy with a trip to the Melbourne Show. The boys were spoilt with show bags and rides.

Spring has sprung after some torrential downpours that keeps filling the dams (irritating the hell out of the global warming nutters out there) and now we are on the home stretch to Christmas…already?

Karl Jnr turned 6………………… Would you believe it? What a six years it must have been for that chap who takes it in all in his stride. It really annoys me he can read, count, add and subtract while back in the late 70’s when I started school I had only been capable of a scrawl, how times have changed.

Karl turns 6

24 September 2011

Disco’s, photo-shoots and total irritation

The end of September is here and Birthdays abound until Christmas. This month has been manic….. I played Mt Martha golf course with the family in tow and as a reward we went to one of our favourite wine farms for lunch. (are you 4sq'ed ?)
School Disco: Un-bloody-believable (please watch the video) – Bring us in, screw us by making us buy flashing things and then assault my ears with the Macarena . (I made sure I told my kids that only really sad people like this type of music and that they normally hang out at social clubs and have very low self-esteem)
This Saturday we did a photo-shoot on the beach – Fook me man, it was 12 degrees in the morning and I had to act happy and run up and down the beach (avoiding heart attack) looking happy while my shoes filled up with sand. Screw that! (did I mention I mow)

(checks Biorhythms) – October will be better.

Mr Rhythm (Narf)

4 September 2011

The Production

What a day the 1st was. Trekking off to Franskton's Art Centre for my son's first play where he played a wolf (a miserable wolf as you will see in the video). It was a massive production with multiple sets which involved the whole school. We got home late and the kids were shattered.

I also put in a picture of his first "disco" - The monkey you ask...? It's a prop given to the kids to document their experiences of what interesting things the monkey gets up to.

The Production

30 August 2011

Melbourne is No.1

It's official, Melbourne is the world's most livable city. WOW, with trains that don't run on time, expensive food and gang warfare we're doing pretty well. It's now the run into Christmas and our PC's are back up...... so old blogs will be populated with things done and remembered.

Our son will be in his first school production on the 1st and is quite excited...... Gen-Z hey, as long as they are better than the lazy Gen-Y's.

Just Living

30 July 2011

Back to school and a whole lot of shopping

New home - Priority No 1, how could I miss that the kitchen didn't have a dishwasher, or plumbing for one. So it was off to Clive's. After seeing all the bits and bobs that needed doing it was off to Bunnings... and again.....and again....and again. Karli also went to the local holiday camp to get a feel for his new school before starting term 3. And Martin.....when will he give up that dummy......

Back to school

15 June 2011

Moving again.....this time it's ours!!!

This month it's all about boxes, and more boxes and more boxes. Got a good deal on the move, and we also hired a trailer and did a bit ourselves. Boy do we have a lot of crap!!! Got the keys on the 10th and we moved in on the 15th....everything went surprisingly well and I managed to clock up over 20,000 steps in one day for the Global Corporate Challenge.

1 May 2011

Bought a new house...yippeeeeee!

After many months of searching, we finally bought a house. Loads of paperwork toing and froing but that's all part of the fun I guess. Life still goes on as normal, went to the Melbourne Motor Show and the kids had a go at some footy throwing. When will Marti lose the dummy....the countdown begins!

Federation Square

15 April 2011

What happend to April?

April is turning out to be --> limbo month... and YES..... We bought a house (see next month for a pic or two). The kids are being mischievous as ever with Karl Jnr into BeyBlades and Martin is dressed to impress in St Kilda colours (man are they playing crap this year). Been to a few games at the G and adapting to the cooler autumn days.

Georgie is posing for LinkedIn and plotting her next move up the corporate ladder while I plan how long I can spend in the Spa without my skin falling off.

Clean that Bike

20 March 2011

Autumn 2011

While the days still creep up to the 30's, one can feel that Autumn in the air. I can't believe we have been here for over two years and what a two year's it has been. We are now settling in and enjoying our new life in Australia. The kids are also settling in well and are happy as Larry on a sunny Saturday morning. We are now looking forward to skiing in a few months time.

But its still March and Granprix month...... First round was in Australia and what a race it was. It's shaping up to be a great season.

Vroom Vroom

4 February 2011

Karl's first day of school!

You know you're getting old when your baby starts school. It was a reluctant start but he eventually settled when I quickly slipped out and Dad said we'd be back soon:) After a couple of hours of drawing, stories, playing and snack time, he said good bye to his teacher, Miss Vella (Prep V) and it was off to Subway for lunch, his choice! Can't wait for Monday......

All this and there are flood warnings for Victoria...again, cyclone Yasi just hit Queensland and half of the US is under snow!

Walking.................to your future

16 January 2011

Happy New Year...and all that!

Well, things are slowly getting back to normal....if you can call 40 degrees and flooding normal! We're all back at work and kinder and Summer if finally here so there's loads of swimming and the boys are getting more confident in the pool every time.

A new year brings new changes and it looks like the hunt for a house is on again....inspections every Saturday and those dreaded auctions....who needs them!

Just having fun in the sun