19 May 2012

Party 2012

The old party merry-go-round is on again and this time it was Oliver's party..... Wicked indoor skate-park where the boys had fun with an injury waiver.... USA here we come...
Georgie participated in her company's golf day where she won the longest drive competition (go figure) &
I just bought a new GPS head-unit for my car which hopefully I will be able to drive soon. (did I mention new tyres and various
RalliArt trinkets). {live the dream}

Boys are still lovely (kinda) and getting along more and more as time ticks.

Freak Party Pooper

5 May 2012


May......Well, busy does not describe how the days flow. Football (soccer) season is PAUSED for 3 weeks but that does not stop Auskick for Karl Jnr. I have bought a new car which is unregistered so I commute to work by motorcycle once again. What an amazing ride along the bay while the sun rises and the smell of the sea rushing thought my helmet while I break all the speed limits..... :-) (only kidding my dear Nazi Victorian Police-Force)

Melbourne is truly a magical city and once we get rid of cyclist who think they are part of the Tour de France, I'll be happy as Larry.


This is AusKick