27 September 2016

Karl's 11th

Happy Birthday Karl, and what does an 11 year old want for his Birthday.....$$$$ (and lots of it)! So we decided to give him a scavenger hunt and dot a few (quite a few) $10 notes around the house. No birthday however is the same without presents, and he loves his poo emoji cushion and retro plates.

I'm almost a tweenager

23 September 2016

Mr Buller 2016

After 8 years in Melbourne, we've finally gone to Mt Buller!

We managed to get the last few days before the close of the season, great timing Dad! Lucky there was plenty of snow for the kids to learn how to ski. The lesson started at 9:30am, wrapping up at 1pm with lunch. Karl wanted to carry on so he got a 'private' lesson until 3pm....needless to say, he slept well that night!

It's expensive so start saving the $$$$$ for next year Dad!!! (yes MOM)

Ski School