31 December 2020
23 November 2020
Mansfield 2020
We all needed a short break after the #Covid nonsense and what better than to visit Mansfield in regional Victoria. We stayed at The Arlzburg and it was great. A visit to the Mansfield Zoo and short trips to nearby towns rounded off our holiday. We are going again in February and will bring the dirtbikes.
The Video
4 November 2020
Ride with Jnr
Went for a quick blast down the coast. #DictatorDan's Gestapo was out in force (roadblock which is in the video) to check that we are not exceeding the 25km limit currently imposed due to the KungFlu. My 2015 MT-09 is still like new and has way to much power but that's what keeps me coming back form more.
Gestapo #1: 1:02
Mornington: 5:20
Karl Jnr: 7:50
Gestapo #2: 8:50
3 November 2020
1 November 2020
Covid19 - Winery Take 2
6 September 2020
Spring Covid19 Beach Trip
As the world loses its mind over #Covid19, we cycled down to the beach for lunch. It was a glorious spring day (around 21) and we sat down and enjoyed sandwiches and cold drinks. Thereafter then went to the wetlands for some scenery and to watch folk wearing their diapers. Fingers crossed we'll have a great summer.
5 September 2020
Spring Covid19 Ride
Spring has sprung and it was time for a nice ride to Waterways. We stopped off at 'The Nest' for a custard slice and to enjoy the views. Then back home for some homemade PIZZA. It was a nice way to spend the Lockdown during this part of the Scamdemic.
13 June 2020
8 June 2020
MX on the Queens Birthday
6 June 2020
1st Feed after Flu

Living Life
10 March 2020
Roughing it

Rip up the turf
29 February 2020
Mordi Food & Wine festival

What a lovely day in Mordi
16 February 2020
Feedback Loops
