7 February 2010

Summer - Part 1

Just a quick post..... Today was a fine Summer's day - just over 30 without a cloud in the sky. We decided to head off to the Caribbean Market to take the train. The kids were/are knackered with all the walking and playing in the various playgrounds dotted around the site. Dad got to look at some classic cars that congregate there most weekends and enjoyed a meat pie. (Australian national dish)

Summertime at the Market

31 January 2010

Lord of the Flies

While Ralph is still advised by Piggy on this ole Isle..... summer has started in earnest. While not as warm as last year (due to global cooling and the coming ice age) it's still a welcome change from the rain and mild weather of spring.

(one week of flies..... picture attached)

We got some fishing rods and headed off to Mornington Peninsula (we fished off the pier and then ate in the restaurant) and all we caught was a stomach bug which brought us all to our knees (literally).

February is about to start and nobody and everybody is totally confused as to what we are going to do. I must say I don't miss the winter they had in England this year but I do miss all the activities available t
o all in old Blighty.

2010 is going to be the year of decision making and adventure....

Some family fun

25 December 2009

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone!

A short Christmas Video

8 November 2009

Orca and the Vegans

Hi all..... We just noticed we posted our last Blog a day early - So here is the November filler...... All is well in the 80's and summer is in full swing.

Summer fun

1 November 2009

All things aqua!

This post while a little late just catches up with Grandma's last week and the start of summer (well kind of). It started with a visit to the most expensive Aquarium in the world and culminated in a day of pure relaxation, well, as much relaxation you can get with two young kids. Christmas (which is very different and not quite the same here) is approaching fast and it's soon going to be the quest for a fat goose, only hope the weather is not 40+ when we cook it!

Splish Splash