8 November 2015

Xtremeair Birthday Party

This year, we held the boys combined Birthday party at Xtremeair. 20 kids, 90mins, it cost an absolute bomb but at least we did not have to clean up. And the best part about the party, wasn't the foam pit or the trampolines....it was the food fight!  

(NOTE: The hosts said that this party was the messiest they had ever seen).

Crazy Time

27 September 2015

Karl's Birthday 2015

Unbelievable; Karl turned ten: What did Dad organise for the day? Yes, a "Lego Robotics Course" - The ultimate surprise and boy o boy did the boys hate it. It's the whole new laziness that has infected the both Gen-Y and Gen-Z.

Building a robot for the first and last time

20 September 2015

Sovereign Hill 2015

Another year and my mother flew in to look after the kids on school holidays. This year we went to Sovereign Hill as its somewhere we have never been and is a big part of Austrian history.....  We stayed at the Red Lion Hotel in Ballarat which ticked all the boxes. Sadly now Martin had Karl's flu and his temp was hovering around the 40 mark and when it broken he still had some fun. It was a good holiday and we look forward to going again.


11 September 2015


After a week of the flu and many days at home with Karl Jnr he managed to make his first piano recital, While not quite Ludwig Van he made his parents proud even though we now have to pay him to keep going to lessons. The boys are adjusting well to their new school and Karl even got Star of the week for basically sharpening up his attitude. Spring is coming and things are looking up.

Ludwig Van Neubauer

12 August 2015

School Play 2015

Another post with no pictures as the video says it all.... The kids are adapting well to the new school and there's as much disciple as possible in the 10's. Kids today get away with murder and live a reality one could only have if you had being brought up in some drug induced religious sect. We are in serious trouble as while Gen X like a bit of fun and and Gen Y kind-of got to work, I think Gen Z, aka the digital natives, are totally screwed.

The Concert (warning 9 minutes of fun)