23 September 2016

Mr Buller 2016

After 8 years in Melbourne, we've finally gone to Mt Buller!

We managed to get the last few days before the close of the season, great timing Dad! Lucky there was plenty of snow for the kids to learn how to ski. The lesson started at 9:30am, wrapping up at 1pm with lunch. Karl wanted to carry on so he got a 'private' lesson until 3pm....needless to say, he slept well that night!

It's expensive so start saving the $$$$$ for next year Dad!!! (yes MOM)

Ski School

30 August 2016

Log Cabin Camp

Karl's first time on camp and he really enjoyed himself. Highlights were the Giant Swing, Possum Glider, Leap of Faith and Archery. Food wasn't too bad either, one night was chocolate cake with chocolate sauce and ice cream....mmmm yum!

He took over 100 photos, good job Karl, and these are four of them.

13 June 2016

Golfing in Winter - Australian Style

I sometimes forget that the weather can be so fantastic in the middle of winter. It was a cold start today but once the sun was out for a while its warm rays were felt on golf course. Martin and I went to play today (Queens birthday public holiday) to see how he's skills have improved. Had a great time and you humble narrator even managed 2 Pars. Fun was had by all.

Practise makes perfect

30 April 2016


Karl Jnr and I headed off for a bit of Wrestling at the Thornbury theater last night..... After a meal at the Moors Head and a touch of Persian fairy-floss, we headed in to watch the first bout which was the tag-team championship with Mr Juice. It was a mate's birthday and we all had a blast. Even DDP was there promoting his new Yoga program.

Ballroom Battle

25 March 2016

Good Friday Appeal

It was off to the Melbourne Convention Centre for the Good Friday Appeal (in aid of the Royal Melbourne Children's Hospital).

Kids had a blast as always and they were very excited to see the 'Wipeout' balls and just had to give it a try....30mins in the queue and it was finally their turn....they will never say, "that's easy" again, as it's definitely harder than it looks!

The tall inflatable slide should come with a warning "risk of burns" :)

Yum cha for lunch...salt and pepper crispy squid anyone, Yes please!

Boys will be boys