26 December 2017

Christmas 2017

Another year, another Christmas where mom slaves away in the kitchen only to have the boys go............."I'm not eating that". This year the duck returned and it was pretty good with all the trimmings. The boys got a few presents and I'm finally realised how slack they are.....Mechno caused a mental meltdown and unless dad charges the batteries, puts it together and gets things setup nothing would happen. Time to chill, if that's possible, and put together cupboards.

Christmas 2017

11 November 2017

Martins 10th Birthday (extended)

The video is a little longer than normal as his birthday and party fell on his actual birthday...... it was a long but fun day... starting with presents in the morning, party at midday and a movie in the afternoon.....

I'm 10 today

29 October 2017

1st Spring "Weekend" Day

After 5 days of food poisoning, it was great to have a warm weekend where the kids could go wild.... WOW - Australia is really the place of the drone but man it's a good place to live. This weekend was busy with cleaning up the house (looks like Steptoe and Son) and taking the kids out..... Karl an I went out Saturday while Martin was on a "play-day" and Sunday was Golf and afternoon craziness. We are all looking forward to summer....... Boat, beach, and BBQ.

Slip and Slide

30 September 2017

Melbourne Show 2017

Back again, another year and much of the same but if you take away the predictability and just enjoy it for what it is, man, it's a lot of fun. Martins friend Larry came with and the boys had a great time playing with the animals, eating and going on all types of rides. At the end it's all about the showbags.

Fun cost $'s

27 September 2017


How the years fly : Was it yesterday that he was born - Seems like yesterday. I think that George and I just want the boys to grow up happy and have as many experiences as possible so they question everything and are able to develop true objectivity....... but for now, we'll just eat cake.

Birthday Boy