27 March 2008

Oh Vienna!!!

We've just arrived back from 4 days in Vienna where we went to Baptise Martin and visit the Austrian Family. Easter Sunday and the Baptism went smoothly, apart from having a broken video camera, the back-up having a flat battery and the back-up back-up having no memory card...but we still managed to take some footage in the end...phew!

We had a great time visiting the family at the 'range' and we got thoroughly spoilt by Christine, Michi and Tante Eva. And there was no stopping Karlie as he tucked into Uncle Gerhard's lunch...."more pork please"!

It was hell at the airport with two kids but Karlie enjoyed himself pulling his Thomas suitcase everywhere and in the plane chatting to all the people....he's a real charmer! Martie was an angel on the plane and slept for most of the way, there and back. What else can we say but......travelling with 2 kids is a nightmare, especially when the facilites are lacking.....thank goodness we live in the first world here in the UK!

Martin's Baptism

9 March 2008

Time waits for no man

It's March, BONUS time :), and time to pay off those pesky credit cards. Martin is a few days away from being 4 months old.... weighing in at nearly 8kg while the other monster is a towering 1Meter as he reaches two and a half year milestone. Where does the time go?

Boys having fun and showing off

2 February 2008

February, and it's almost &^#%ing Christmas again!

Time waits for no man and the cold and dark is still with us but the boys always brighten things up. The boys are doing well and "seem" to be getting along splendidly, long may it last.

Here is a short vid of RainMan

20 January 2008

Back to normal

It's that time of year again where everything just goes stagnant and we wait for winter to end and the mornings to cheer up.....and for that matter, lighten up. When the weather is bad we can always take the boys to www.kidspaceadventures.com Karlie has great fun in the cars!

We are either going skiing in April or heading to a beach unless the Australia confirmation comes through (I should know something in February) - I'm just dreading the travel..... with the 'boys'.

How did they not see it coming?

3 January 2008

Christmas goose

This year we started a tradition of cooking goose for Christmas Day lunch. What a mission! After breakfast of toasted sausage and egg, cooking commenced at around 9am and we ate at around 1:30pm. Mommy goose had only just finished cleaning up in the late afternoon, when Dad was hungry again!!! It never ends.

And a short clip from the family film