27 November 2008

Martin turns one

How time flies..... it feels like yesterday that I held Martin for the first time at St Helier's hospital. The then 8 pound cutie is now a 25 pound mountain climbing, everything pulling trouble maker.

My mom fractured her arm so she was able to test the government hospital system for us and found it rather good, she even has a CD with all her x-rays on it. She is on the mend and is now only given light duties around the house. :-)

We are slowly starting to settle in and Christmas is closing fast.

Martin turns one in Melbourne

8 November 2008

Australien -> ein monat auf

We have now been in Australia for a month and boy has it been cold. Saying that, it does warm up later in the day. We have had a few hot days in the 30’s (degrees C) where we went down to the beach to be set upon by flies, big fat squishy flies. A local came up to us sensing our displeasure, and handed over the fly-off spray, result. It was then off to T'Gallant for some wine tasting in the Mornington peninsula.

We have our rented house and our stuff should be arriving next week. (note: garden furniture makes a great lounge suite)
Seeing we have not really done much in the way of the "Australian lifestyle thing" I am hesitant to comment for fear of coming over negative so it’s best just to mention the good parts.

My job has me all over the show and Georgie is learning to love being a full time mum, NOT, so we are looking into childcare so she can go back to work in some capacity.

Me mum landed a couple of days ago and has been recruited as head kids-caretaker. (She is ageing before my eyes)

Chat before Christmas....

Our rented house and the kids playing

28 September 2008

Karli turns 3........where does the time go?

Just another short post before real-life kicks in. It was Karli's Birthday yesterday and we had a double celebration. The 1st was at some new friends who we met "on a plane" and the 2nd at our serviced apartment in Sandringham (although we are still waiting for the servicing).

Fresh produce is fantastic and things actually last when you buy then and don't rot in a day.

Tomorrow we register for Medicare and get insurance for our new car we just bought.... lets hope it not a lemon and it lasts for a few years while we scrape together enough cash for a small hovel. (PS Dad, now is a good time to send $)

Birthday in reverse

25 September 2008

We have arrived.................... or have we?

After dragging two kids, two car-seats and 7 bags halfway around the world we are finally here. I knocked up a short video of our visit today to Healesville Sanctuary and some beach time at the Sandbar near St Kilda.

I will post something a little more comprehensive once we are settled as all we are now trying to do is find a place to stay and a car to buy. (correction, we just bought a car) - Phew.... one down
(please email if you need contact information either for myself or Georgie)

One minute in Melbourne

19 September 2008

1/2 way there

We have arrived in Singapore and are staying in the Crown Plaza which is just off T3. The kids are having a ball and Karli is always saying "adventure".

Fun in the sun