23 August 2009

It's been almost a year!

In less than a month we would have lived in Australia for a year. Nothing could have quite prepared us for the change. There is nothing like living somewhere to truly understand what makes a place tick. So, what have we been up to in the 80's this month? In a word MOVING.... this time to Bentleigh. It was quite painless with most of the hard work being done by the movers.

We made the mistake of going to the Scienceworks museum (which currently has a StarWars exhibition) today and even though we were there at opening time half of Melbourne turned up making the cramped and badly laid out "spectacle" hard to endure. I suppose when the weather isn't great what else do you do as Melbourne is built for the outdoors.

On the up side, the weather is cheering up and bike rides are the order of the day so it is off to Allnutt park which is only a couple of hundred yards from home.

Bits and bobs

25 July 2009

Activities in Winter

It's been a month since our last blog, how time flies. Most of the month has been spent finding a new place to live. Unfortunately with the market as it is and with the shortage of good rentals we were lucky enough to find a place which we hope will tick most of the boxes for a couple of years. The weather has been good but when it's cold and windy we find ourselves "relaxing" at home listening to music and playing games on the Wii.

Indoor fun

27 June 2009

Winter is most definitely here

Hats and gloves are the order of the day on my walk to the station in the morning as the temperature hovers a few degrees above zero. But then the sun comes out and warms Melbourne to a comfortable 14 degrees. (click here for stats) It's even warm enough to go to the rock pools just off Rickett's Point Beachside Cafe to look for shells or have a round of golf. If not, we go indoors for a game of ten-pin bowling or a spot of 'window' shopping at Chadstone shopping centre.

Bowling and beach in winter

6 June 2009

It's Winter and the Saints are winning!

Karlie saw the 'world premier' of the Yo Gabba Gabba concert at the Palais theatre in St Kilda after a twirl on the Carousel at Luna Park. The following weekend the boys saw their first football game at the Etihad Stadium...it was hard work keeping them entertained, I just don't think they could have lasted nearly 3 hours in the cold so we had to leave during the 3rd quarter after pretending Dad's beer was a football.

A case of orange pyjamas

17 May 2009

Winter is approaching

One good thing about winter, no &*^%ing flies. Can someone please tell me where they go so I can rip their tiny wings off and feed them to local crocodile.
It's been a good month again with lots of firsts..... We have put in an offer for a house (father in law doing property searches and mom sending much needed $'s), played tenpin bowling and Karli has finally started to ride his bike - OK OK, he only does it if he gets a damn star. The kids are playing nicely and Karli loves all his extra-curricular activities while Marti thinks he is 4 years old getting into all types of mischief.
We are slowly getting used to the 80's, "again".

Things to do on the weekend (please visit Vimeo to watch this in 720p) - 3min30sec