27 February 2014

Loom Band - FAD circa 2014

Loom Bands, who would have thought that birds chocking, chick strangling bands in varied colours sold in packs of 100 ($3 at today's pricing) would turn my boys into mindless necklace, bracelet and ring creating zombies!

Obedient Fishtail 101

12 January 2014

Welcome 2014 - Work begins again

Its 2014, a new year...... and I've started a new job. Working reminds me how important it is to enjoy time off. The new job is great and I'm enjoying it while back on the other side of the city Georgie also has a new job (for the same company) and is now the facilities coordinator

January was dotted with a few warm weekends (where are you global warming) which is always a plus and welcomed by all. We took the boys down to Sorrento for the day to enjoy what Australia has to offer. The rest of the days are spend by the $65 pool at Che' Neubau.

Boys love water

29 December 2013

2013 is Dead

December was a crazy month with me going back home for a few weeks to check up on our house and to change some basic details. Things in the UK are still a little bleak but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I also took the time to visit family and friends in Vienna....... 

It's now back to reality with me starting work on the 2nd and some clear goals defined..... While 2013 was a chore I'm confident that 2014 will bring a fresh perspective.

The boys are going great, both at school and at home, and love living in Australia...... Yes, their view of the world may be small but they are happy and for me, that's enough.

Late Update : Had my 31st birthday at Stillwater on the Mornington Peninsula.....


11 November 2013

Martin turns 6

What makes me smile every year is the fact we named him Martin after my hero Martin Gore……………….. He’s born in the year of the Golden Pig, on St Martins day and a poppy will always remind me of one of the happiest kids I have ever met.

Karl............... Well, he's' like Dad.. grumpy, questioning and full of ........;-)

PS Got a job................ Start Jan.. Yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Holiday!


24 October 2013

Unemployed in Australia

For the last six months I've been making myself and my team redundant. Off-shore is the new game in town closely following what the UK did 10 years ago. So now as a man of leisure I should have time to keep this blog up to date. Between interviews and the incredibly poor weather we're having I'm planning to go home for a couple of weeks to sort some stuff I've been meaning to do for ages. Now all I need to find is a money tree as Australia is not a great place to be with no income. The boys are having their school music production next week so that should be fun, NOT, and life goes on.

PS With all the iFads and crap that kids zombie out on its amazing to see how much fun $20 of slip and slide can be.

The "Production"