27 October 2014


Just got a GoPro 3+ Silver from a mate (thanks Tom) and I decided to test it out this weekend. It was time to break in the boat for her first voyage since Winter, so the GoPro came with. While happy with the video (shot in 720p-60) the camera while acceptable is does not hold a candle to a good point-and-shoot, not to mention I had to crop to 3:2. Time to get all the attachments to look like a right old plonker.

Keep living the dream till it ends

9 October 2014

Apollo Bay

The weather couldn't have been better for our trip to Apollo Bay. Sunny blue skies allowed for some cycling along the beach and even a quick dip in the sea, even though the water was freezing.

The drive from our hotel to the Twelve Apostles was well worth it, what a break-taking view. The drive back included a detour to Apostle Whey Cheese, where I discovered one of the best blue cheeses I've tasted in a long time and we also stopped at Gorge Chocolates....especially for Granny!

What a great long weekend, only marred by an hour delay as we hit the city, damn cyclists!

Bikes and Beach

7 September 2014

Springtime in Germany, I mean Austr(al)ia.

Its days like these that make you realise why you move to Australia. Its just hit September and the mercury is above 20 and the boys are playing in the sea and the BBQ (a new one as it's a throw away world and nothing lasts) is feeding the hoards.

Today we went to Port Melbourne to play footy on the beach and the boys decided it was a good idea to go in with their clothes (and NEW shoes). Those soon came off, as well as their trousers and they had a fun time collecting rocks and skimming the water with shells and stones.

As with all things Australia, it was then back home to relax (and study) and to cook some snags on the BBQ.

Fun at the beach

31 August 2014

Last Day of Winter

Why have I been so quite..................? well, the truth is that we've been so busy. I'm currently studding and with the boys football consuming my life (I'm the damn manager) I have little time for anything else. Work is good and weekends fly buy before you know it. The house is getting ready for Grans arrival in September and we've booked a few days off. To give you an idea of how full things are, on Saturday it was Carton vs Essendon at the MCG with Sunday morning taken up by the Caribbean market where the boys played in the sun and rode a mechanical bull.

Ride em.........

10 April 2014