27 October 2018

Japan - WOW

I've always wanted to go and now I'd love to know why I waited so long. If you want to see why homogenous societies work look no further than Japan. Not only do they have respect unseen in the western world, but they're also not fat and actually make an attempt to look good.
We stayed in Shinjuku (a suburb of Tokyo), then travelled to Kyoto on the Shinkansen where we cruised around on electric bicycles and then back...... If you haven't been there, do it, it's an eye-opener. I'd love to write more but we saw so much and there is so much more to see. We hope to be going back as soon as my bank manager gives me a nod. Next stop, however, is Singapore..........

Japan Video 1 (4K)

Japan Video 2 (GoPro)