8 January 2022

First post of 2022 - OmiCon

Another year down the toilet. What a total joke 2021 was. Hype after hype with the media pumping out fearporn that the low IQ populous lap up. What did people do before the government told them they need to be tested to check if they were sick. Now that is off my chest it was a great Christmas and NY..... The weather was great and we got by even with these draconian laws for the Untermensch (that's us). Planning some leave soon but we'll see how things shape up as people are now scared to live. Was at Mentone X-Golf today as I cannot play real golf in this State, go-figure. Earlier in the day we went to Mordialloc by bicycle and had a Lifesavers and enjoyed what people cannot destroy. We also enjoyed Mom's fantastic homemade pizza that is made from scratch... RESPECT.

Happy Families